Privacy Policy

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This Privacy Policy is applicabled for any one involves with the registering and course engagement at MaxCoach Online Course Educational center.

Availability of Website

  1. Member recognizes that the traffic of data through the Internet may cause delays
    during the download of information from the website and accordingly, it shall not hold the Company liable for delays that are ordinary in the course of Internet use.
  2. Member further acknowledges and accepts that the website will not be available on a continual twenty-four hour basis due to such delays, or delays caused by the Company’s upgrading, modification, or standard maintenance of the website.
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DuraçãoData inícioHorário
45 h

Inicio: 30/09/2024

Término: 18/11/2024*

19h às 22:00h

*Sessões Segundas e Quintas por LiveTraining